Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Kara ~ By Me

I've written many books and even taken a novel writing course at a co-op a few years back.

Here is a short story I wrote summer of last year, 2013.  It's called, Kara.  I hope you enjoy it! (Warning: to all those who are strict grammar people, know that this was NEVER edited.  It was a once and done.  So there are probably quite a few errors throughout :))



            A girl; not one who had beauties beyond measure; but she had a face which was enlightened by a true, inward beauty.  Her dark leather skirt flowed freely in the deep, icy breeze of the Canadian plain.  Her head was straight and confidently held above her neck.  Thick, golden chains hung from her ears and fell past her shoulders, which were broad and muscular.  All was dead around her.  The old grain stems crumbled under her footsteps.  Her jaw was tightly closed and confidently set.  Her bright eyes haunted the horizon.   The top of her was covered by one long wrapping of died cloth; a blood red.  Her hair came to the back of her knees, hanging freely behind her. Her skin was tanned from many days in the sun. Her hands were covered in sores from hours of working.  Wrapped around her feet were two hole filled rags, tied on with strings. 
            Her wrists were filled with thick bracelets containing many precious jewels.  On her back she carried her wooden bow and handmade arrows; the feathers were those of blue jays and ravens.  She was not tall.  Her hard appearance fooled many of her age.  The wind whipped her hair every which way.  Her bare shoulders became cold.   Every step was filled with a desire and purpose.  Her pace quickened.  Her eyes squinted under the rays of the sun.  The earth was barren, hard, and crumbling; yet, she slipped along silent as the angel of death in the land of Egypt. 

            Not a soul was near for miles and yet, she felt as though she was not alone.  Her pulse quickened with each step.  Her breath was light, creating clouds from the cold.  The spirit inside her filled her with the will to go on.   She appeared as though on a mission.  In a way, she was.  Her spirit was willing, but her body was waning.  A single tear rolled down her cheek.  Her mind was on one track.  She wanted to find what her father had told her of.  Before he died, he’d mentioned something important. 

            Her heart felt as though someone had taken it and put it into a clamp that was continually being tightened.  Her whole body felt twisted.  She dropped to the ground in agony.  Her will lessoned.  She screamed at the top of her lungs.  The tears came in droves now, as though someone inside had opened the flood gates.  Flurries of snow drifted around her.   They melted against her warm skin.  Her black lashes were now white with Heaven made crystals.

            The sky’s opened up.  A blizzard rapidly approached.   The winds of Heaven blew harsh against the girl.  Her body cringed.  Her mind was filled with mixed thoughts as confusing emotions ran through her blood.  She proceeded to pull a small knife from her boot.  The detail on the blade would astonish any blades smith.  An old man with a small child on his knee was carved into the very metal of the blade.  She stared intently as she turned the shining blade one way, then another.  The face of the man was stern, yet loving.  She knew only too well though, that the real face was nothing more than cold and hard, just as the steal used to forge the knife. 

            She held the knife high above her.  Her eyes never moved from their stare on the blade.  Her mouth opened, and yet…she couldn’t get the words out.  She clutched the blade close to her as her sobs echoed through the barren hills nearby.  She rocked her body back and forth.  Her hair encased her fully.  She took the blade, piercing the flesh on the palm of her left hand.  The blood trickled down her arm and dripped onto the newly fallen snow. 

            My sweet Jesus! She cried out to the Heaven’s, I beg you to forgive me my sins!  I give you my blood freely as you gave yours for me!  She hung her head low, crying to herself.   She laid down in the now inch deep snow.   The metal chains she wore for beauty were now sucking the heat from her body.   Her hair became matted with the ice flakes, falling thickly on it. 

            The very heart within her beat slower.  Her entire being was overtaken with a passion of sadness.  Grief was her enemy and he was slowly winning.  The girl realized if she didn’t move soon she would surely freeze to death.  The end was nearing, slowly but surely it came closer.  As her mind flowed with vivid images of her father’s death, she realized what he must have meant. 

            Death; death had over taken him.  It was now coming for her.  She wept a tear both for herself and her deceased father.  Why death though?  Why not celebrate life? The girl stared up at the crystal clear sky.  Ice covered her face.  She went pale.  Her beautiful eyes had turned from deep ocean blue to a light pastel coloring.  Her pupils went small, almost non-existent.   Ice covered her eyes, open though they were.  Everything began to blur. 

            She didn’t fear though.  A sudden peace fell over her weary body; her heart beating slower and slower.  The ice was now hardening over her.  She couldn’t blink now even if she had desired too before.  Her body was now surrounded by the foot deep snow.  She could no longer feel anything, except for the occasional longing to move her arms, which were now frozen solid to the ground she lay on.  Everything began to get foggy and black.  Suddenly, a small light appeared.  It came closer and closer to her.  She tried to run towards it, but was unable to move.

            I’m going to see God! The girl tried to smile with joy, but the ice prevented any movement.  She knew at last what her father had tried to tell her about; eternal joy. No longer would she sweat from hard labor or need to forage for food in the barren woods.  She was finally heading home, an eternal home, with God.  The girl couldn’t contain herself.  She would see her sweet Savior and her loving father. 

Just as quickly as the snowy storm had crept up on the girl, so was her very soul swept upwards to the Heavens.   Nothing remained, other than her frozen body, solidly stuck to the earth’s surface.  She was in an eternal place filled with joy and prosperity.  She was taken there.  She was Kara. 
*No Copywriting

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